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How To Reduce Carbon Footprint| 10 Easy Ways

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What is a Carbon footprint?

According to the World health organisation, a carbon footprint is a measure of the impact of our activities on the natural greenhouse of the earth. Human activities like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, land-use changes are the main reason for carbon emissions; causing a build-up in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. Keep reading to know more about “How to reduce carbon footprint?”.

How to reduce carbon footprint: by reducing burning of fossil fuels and using planat based diet.

Carbon footprint is expressed as the weight of carbon dioxide emissions produced in tonnes, during the period of a year. The best way to reduce carbon emissions is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.

Carbon Footprint-Key Points

What is carbon footprint? wieght of carbon dioxide produced in tonnes due to carbon emissions
  • Weight of carbon dioxide emissions produced in tonnes.
  • Carbon emissions change the balance of greenhouse gases in the environment.
  • Carbon emissions disturb the natural carbon cycle of the atmosphere.
  • The more fuel we use, the bigger our Carbon emissions would be.

How to Reduce Carbon Footprint?

Few steps that could be taken in our daily life to reduce carbon footprint are as follows:

  • Switch off the light when you leave a room.
  • When possible, walk and use public transport.
  • Recycle old electronics.
  • Use eco-friendly recyclable alternatives to plastic bags.
  • Plant more trees.
  • Use water judiciously and go in for water harvesting.
  • Compost your food waste.
  • Unplug your electronic devices, when not in use.
  • Take the stairs as often as possible.
  • Reduce paper consumption.

Greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases absorb heat when they interact with sunlight. They are the reason that the earth has a climate.
Our carbon footprint is the total of all of the greenhouse gases produced by what we do and by the energy we spent making the things we buy.
The place we live, the car we drive, the clothes we wear, the food we eat even that cup of morning coffee, all consume energy and they all add up to global warming.

What factors contribute to reduce carbon footprint?

Just like the water cycle, there is a natural carbon cycle present in our atmosphere.
Carbon is the building block of life on earth and there is a natural carbon cycle between animal life, forests and oceans.
This cycle has been known to be in balance for over 800,000 years with natural atmospheric carbon ranging between 180 and 280 parts per million.
Carbon levels relate very closely to global temperatures, however, since the industrial revolution human activity has dramatically increased the amount of carbon being released, meaning the carbon cycle is becoming increasingly out of balance.
If our emissions continue to climb, global temperatures are sure to rise.


To answer the question “How to reduce carbon footprint?”. We need to understand the science behind the burning of fossil fuels. Just like an actual footprint, the carbon footprint is a mark of our activities on the environment.
This is happening because of the use of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuel contains carbon that has been outside of the carbon cycle for millions of years.
Every time we use fossil fuels, we are increasing the amount of carbon that is in the active carbon cycle. The impact is of building up greenhouse gas leading to climate change.
Gases such as carbon dioxide are pumped out during burning fossil fuels like oil or gas. The more fuel we use, the bigger our footprint would be.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a carbon footprint definition in simple words?

It is the amount of energy, greenhouse gases and waste, generated to support the lifestyle of a country, group or individual.

2. What are the main causes of carbon emissions?

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are pumped out during the burning of fossil fuels like oil or gas. The more fuel consumption, the bigger our footprint would be.

3. Why Greenhouse gases emissions is bad?

Greenhouse gases emissions affect the planet significantly. This causes global warming and ultimately climate change.

4. How To Reduce Carbon Footprint?

Gases like Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are released during the combustion of fossil fuels. These gases disturb the balance of greenhouse gases in the environment. By reducing the production of these greenhouse gases we can reduce our carbon footprint.

5. Is carbon dioxide is pure substance?

Carbon dioxide is a pure substance since its composition remains constant regardless of where it is collected. Carbon Dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is naturally occurring and innocuous in small amounts, but as levels grow, it can have an impact on productivity and sleep. CO2 levels concentrate inside with less ventilation since they are most typically created by the air we exhale.
Each carbon dioxide molecule will always have one carbon and two oxygens.
Check the full article “Is carbon dioxide is a pure substance?”.

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Umair Javaid, PhD Student
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