Hidden Beneath Spain: Did We Just Discover an Ancient Roman City's Bloody Secrets?!

Hidden Beneath Spain: Did We Just Discover an Ancient Roman City's Bloody Secrets?!

What's Insight

Spain’s archaeological landscape recently unveiled a mesmerizing chapter from its Roman era.

Nestled in La Cabañeta near the Ebro River...

...researchers discovered an ancient Roman plaza.

Estimated to be around 2,000 years old, this plaza offers a window into an architectural marvel and a city’s tragic narrative.

Situated within the vast expanse of the Iberian Peninsula, encompassing Spain, Portugal, and parts of France, this newly discovered plaza stands out.

It is the Oldest Plaza in the Iberian Peninsula, established ca. 200 B.C.

With its grid layout, it likely functioned as a hub for traders voyaging along the river...

...until it was destroyed in connection with the Sertorian War.

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