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Electrical Energy to Thermal Energy Conversions

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Energy exists in various forms, each of which can be converted into the other. The total energy is conserved in conversion processes in a closed system. As a result, energy is one of the fundamental quantities of physics.
Electricity energy is a type of energy that allows things to move and work. It is the movement of tiny particles known as electrons from one point to other. In simple words, electric energy occurs as a result of either stored or moving charged particles.
Thermal energy is the movement of molecules within an object or substance. Every object or substance contains thermal energy; the sun is the most powerful thermal energy source in our solar system. Heat is the flow of thermal energy from one object or substance to another.

Energy can be converted from one state to another. Thermal energy, for example, can be converted into kinetic energy in a gas turbine and then into electrical energy by a generator. Electric energy can then be converted into light, sound, or kinetic energy in our homes by a variety of household appliances.

Conversions of Electrical Energy to Thermal Energy Examples

Some examples of electric energy conversion to thermal energy are listed below:

  1. Radiative heaters:
  2. Convection heaters: Convection heaters work on the principle of drawing room air to the unit from beneath, where a heating element is located. The air passes over the heating element and rises through the top of the unit as warmed air back into the room.
  3. Resistors convert electrical energy to thermal energy,
  4. Heat pumps: Heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from a cool space to a warm space, thereby cooling the cool space and warming the warm space. Heat pumps move heat from the cool outdoors into your warm house during the heating season.
  5. Microwave oven: When microwaves are used to heat foods, electromagnetic energy is converted to thermal energy via increased agitation of water molecules and charged ions.

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Umair Javaid, PhD Student
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